Over break, I sat down with a number of the books from this course to start my final project, trying to pick a central topic to work around. As I was doing this, my grandmother turned on one of her
Maddie’s Reading Questions for November 1st
1) In class, we have briefly discussed the Catholic religion in the Philippines, as well as seen the brief interjection of President McKinley’s desire to “Christianize” the islands on page 71. Aside from the obvious religious culture background, most of
Money and Power
As we’ve been reading more and more, the apparent themes of money and wealth and the ways to maintain it have become extremely evident. There’s also clear divide between those who have wealth and those who want it. I want
Glossary of Terms
This first piece in Soft Science quickly confused and interested me. The ideas behind dreaming stars, mouths, and ghosts, but not allowing the sea to have the same limitations, is unsettling. If the sea is often regarded as something to
Significance of the Bird and Sky in When the Emperor
I’m always most attracted to the literary devices in novels and short stories that I read for my classes, and these novels are no exception. I have recently been not only drawn to the syntax in our most recent novel,
I don’t know Psychology
Reading Chapter 5, I was wondering if their is a specific diagnosis that could be given for Ichiro’s mother and her suspended belief about Japan winning WWII. Is it some PTSD level delusion or is there another delusion based disability
Disney was (is?) racist
I can’t help reading Chin without noticing all the Disney name dropping, specifically the Donald Duck references of course. This got me thinking, why do I know an Asian centered Donald duck cartoon. I remember. I found it and it