As per our class discussions about The Gangster We Are All Looking for, we talked a lot about the scenes in which it expresses the girl’s sexuality and coming of age. One of the scenes we talked about in class
In case y’all were wondering what the towel looked like and was called XD

The towel in Bengali is called gamcha.
Zareen’s Reading Questions for November 4th-Amitav Ghosh, pp. 3-69
1) Throughout the first part of the novel, mangroves are characterized as a “universe unto itself, utterly unlike other woodlands or jungles. There are no towering, vine-looped trees, no ferns, no wildflowers, no chattering monkeys or cockatoos. Mangrove leaves are
Not feeling at home
Towards the end of the Luna Moth, (Page 247) Rio describes that she is anxious and restless and that she only feels at home in airports. She also travels every chance she gets. This made me think about an overarching
What I thought when I read Chi
When my group was discussing the poem “Chi” last class, I had mentioned how the word chi is Bangla/Bengali meant disgusting or an expression of showing how a person has brought on shame. I thought it was really interesting to
The Struggle!! Ugh I don’t know how to explain!

Ichiro’s relationship with Taro
There is one passage about Ichiro’s feelings towards Taro that really stood out to me. Perhaps it is because I am too an older sister as well that I really feel for Ichiro and his struggles. The passage on page
Okada’s Writing Style
Hello everyone, I wanted to comment shortly on Okada’s style of writing in “No-No Boy”. The passage that stood out most to me was on Page 174, where Ichiro is negotiating what his mother had done for him and Taro.
Negotiating Identity-Winnifred Eaton
From our discussion in class about Otono Watane or Winnifred Eaton, I would like to expand on the idea of why Eaton perhaps wrote the Japanese Nightingale using Oriental Stereotype discourse. A classmate had mentioned Eaton’s background and the time