I’m in Spanish 312, which is Intro to Literature Studies in Spanish taught by Professor Lewis. One of the first works we read and discussed in that class was Alfonsina Storni’s “Tú me quieres blanca.” Storni was a feminist Argentine and Latin American poet in the early 20th century. The themes and ideas of Choi’s poems remind me of Storni’s poem. In common between the two writers and their poems is the perspective of female writers, sharing their experiences of how men try to construct them according to what they want, not who the woman is.
Above is a link to both the Spanish and English versions of “Tú Me Quieres Blanca” so y’all can read it. Do you see similarities between the writings of Storni and Choi? Even if you don’t see any similarities, I hope you enjoyed “Tú me quieres blanca”.