In class today we were talking a lot about close reading passages and about the significance of the glass animals, and I thought this passage was really interesting because it portrays the animal as eerily lifelike. The passage starts on
Quotes in Beginning
In the last couple of classes we have been trying to tease out what it means when Choi interweaves poems about technology and cyborgs with ones coming from a more human narrator. I think that the two quotes in the
Rebecca’s Reading Questions for October 7th
Before each section in Soft Science, there is a piece called “Turing Test” which mimics the experiment that tests how well computers can simulate human speech. Why do you think Choi decided to begin each section with a Turing Test?
Citizen 13660
I mentioned this book briefly in class, but if anyone wants to read more about Japanese internment in a different style of book I would definitely recommend “Citizen 13660”! It’s written in a comic book-style with illustrations on one side
Significance of No Names
So far I am really liking the book “When the Emperor was Divine” because not only is it an easier read, but it’s also really interesting and I like how there are different narrators narrating each chapter. Something that has
Masculinity vs. Femininity
During class on Monday, I was thinking about the relationship that Ichiro has with his mother and father. I found it interesting how differently his interactions were with his mother and father, and he never really speaks with them both
Parallel in Donald Duk
Something that I noticed while reading the first part of the book was that Donald Duk appears to be somewhat of an antithesis to his father. While his father actively accepts and embraces Chinese culture and attempts to integrate his