here’s the link to my meme presentation!
Final Project Poem: Universal Themes
Thank you all for such an incredible class this semester. I learned so much from each of you, and I am in absolute awe of your personal strengths and the battles you all courageously face. You are known right where
Katia’s final project
Here’s the illustrations for my final projects. I guess I should have predicted that my final project would come down to the salvation, whether brief or lasting, that we have the capacity to find in each other. I exist, and
“To America: From 353 Asian American Literature” Lyrics
I want to be a dancer, I’m going to be the next Fred Astaire But you say I can’t, keep my eyes up, and have this evil stare You made us move, took my father away, tell me will I
Michelle’s Final Project
Kenzie’s final project!
happy finals!!
hello friends, I have done a few digital collages for the final! the process involved a spreadsheet of all the times a given word was used in each book and/or pdf, a doc compiling all of the fragments/phrases/sentences, and a
HotOrNot? Syllabus edition
***hi Dr. Scanlon this is just a creative title, I am not attacking your reading selection**** Okay, so I am wrapping up my second literary analysis essay on my FAVORITE book we read this semester, The Gangster We Are All
La Misma Luna
So this doesn’t really have anything to do with Asian American Literature but I have a movie recommendation if anyone is interested. The film is an indie Mexican-American drama that came out in 2007 called “La misma luna”, which translates
The Haibun
One of the poems in the Vuong book is titled an Immigrant Haibun and I wanted to talk a little bit about that form of writing. I didn’t know the haibun was thing until this semester, when my Flash Forms