As we talked about and read in the poem we discussed today, life is funny. You don’t exactly expect that your favorite professor will have trouble breathing at a cookie decorating party, nor that suddenly the responsible one has to
Hello everyone! I hope that you all got the much needed rest before the rush of our last two weeks. I have just a short thing to share with you all. Last night, I was with my grandparents, and I
Poems for Monday
Hey everyone! I won’t be in class Monday, so I am going to write a short blog post about the poems we had to read for homework. I hope everyone’s weekend is treating them well. Something that has been weighing
Piya and language
I keep finding ways that Piya is fixated on words or language. I’m not entirely sure what to think about it yet, but does anyone have any thoughts? Here’s a quote I find to be interesting: “How do you lose
Piper’s Reading Questions for October 18th
Hello! I hope everyone is having a fantastic break. I decided to get ahead on these reading questions, so keep in mind that these are for Friday’s reading. Anyways, below are my reading questions. In “Faces to the Fire”, Sojin
Soft Science
Hi everyone! I’m reading Soft Science right now and I just wanted to share my impressions of “On the Night of the Election,” because it really spoke to me. This part shows that sexuality is not separate from the other
So I’m watching this YouTube video and I was wondering what everyone’s opinion was on the following quote regarding respecting culture: “Because it’s cultural, isn’t it? ‘It’s what we do. You know, it’s part of my culture.’ I can tell
Futuristic Story
Hello! In class Wednesday, I mentioned a story I had to read for my Applied Digital Studies class which deals a lot with belonging to two different identities and gaining access to a collective memory. Here is a link for
Some Questions I Had For Class Today
The following are just some thoughts I had about today’s discussion. Writing has historically been dominated by the white male. What was the reaction to Asian Americans, typically deemed good at math and science, publishing? As we learned in class,