Claudia Morales (LCSW) recently put out a post with the caption “how does it feel to be in your body?” The question and corresponding images really reminded me of the ongoing discussion around the body/senses/placement within the world. So, I
the dreaded personal connection post
Guess I’m talking about this! [uh, trigger warning for suicide in the context of it being dealt with in Vuong’s poetry.] There’s a whole lot to feel things about in Night Sky with Exit Wounds. There’s a lot that’s so
Life is funny
As we talked about and read in the poem we discussed today, life is funny. You don’t exactly expect that your favorite professor will have trouble breathing at a cookie decorating party, nor that suddenly the responsible one has to
Ocean Vuong “Notebook Fragments”
I always find it really powerful to hear the author read out their poetry, so here’s a video of Ocean Vuong reading out “Notebook Fragments”! It was really interesting to hear his reading pace and the softness of his voice
notebook fragments
brought to you from the floor (!) of Combs xoxo
They Called Us Enemy
I just recently purchased a book that I think ties into a lot of what we learned this semester, as well as the RMP Michelle and I did earlier in the year on Japanese Internment. In our RMP, I cited
completing course evaluations like
Some thoughts from break
Over break, I sat down with a number of the books from this course to start my final project, trying to pick a central topic to work around. As I was doing this, my grandmother turned on one of her
Hello everyone! I hope that you all got the much needed rest before the rush of our last two weeks. I have just a short thing to share with you all. Last night, I was with my grandparents, and I
Closing the Blog
Like our community, the blog will continue to exist beyond the parameters of this semester. But for the purpose of assessment, it will “close” at midnight on Sunday, December 8. Until that point, any comments or posts contribute to your